Nijat Shahmuradov studied engineering in college between 2009 and 2013. After graduation, he applied to more than 50 public and private institutions through his CV and personally. He did not receive a positive response from any of them. He sees the reason for this is that his physical limitations and weight create prejudice in people.

After that, he received vocational training as an assistant cook and found a job in this field in 2015. Although he increased his education in tourism, many of his appeals remained unanswered. When unemployed, he worked in various small jobs, went to continuous interviews, and volunteered.
He was admitted to a higher education institution in 2019. After that, he was able to find a job. Before that, he could not find an official job despite having a vocational and college education for 11 years.
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We share stories of people with disabilities. You can familiarize yourself with the policy document that we prepared to study the difficulties faced by persons with disabilities in the labor market in Azerbaijan.